The Power of Silence

I’ve been quiet for too long, but during that time, I’ve been focused on creating a lifestyle that allows me to grow as a multidisciplinary and well-rounded individual. For me, this is what being human is all about. While silence may not be the best for attracting visitors, it remains a powerful friend and refuge, helping us move forward. Years after my first post, here I am again—stronger and ready to bring this site to life. I hope you enjoy everything that’s coming next.

Can I find introspection in Tenerife’s hidden spots? Are there still such places left on the island?
Yes, there are, but timing is everything. In a world full of noise and constant activity, moments of silence can help us reconnect with ourselves. Tenerife, shaped by volcanic activity for more than 10 million years, offers tranquil spots and a perfect environment for introspection.

If you want to discover the real, deeper side of Tenerife, you’ll need to be like an owl—embrace the early morning while most tourists are still having breakfast or winding down for the night. Explore places like Teide National Park at sunrise or, even better, after midnight, when the tour buses have left, leaving a quiet, serene atmosphere. Other spots include the hidden beaches of Benijo at sunset, or the peaceful mountain trails in the Anaga Rural Park early in the morning. In these places, you can truly experience the beauty of nature without distractions. Silence in Tenerife isn’t just about the absence of noise—it’s about embracing the peaceful solitude of this natural wonder we islanders call home.