
Every step of our life is towards an infinite cliff of possibilities. . Although those possibilities do not appear magically in the air. And watch out, you may end up into the nothingness. Actually, today possibilities come from the sum of actions carried out in our past. Most of those actions were silly decisions, unconscious bias of the confort mind that did not matter then, but matter, a lot, now.

It happens many times in life. We are so into something that we lose perspective and forget that everyday we are becoming. We slowly change and, hence, become something new. Patiently and silently. Little changes accumulated through time, which slowly shaped the future you. Physically and psychologically.

Astronomical observations

Its your choice to give some credit to it or ignore it. After all, changes are going to happen. However, you are the only one that can put attention and meaning on your surround. Where do you stand for? Are you aware of your changes ? Or have you suddenly realized that you got 60 and do not how?

As far as there is mobility, cleverness and passion, never is too late to take your life where you want it to be. Not today. Not right now, but tomorrow, when the sum of your actions allow you to reach the possibilities that you wanted, looked for and worked for.

Hello world!

When one gets into the world of computing and coding , the first thing that one learns is the famous “Hello world!”.  Who have put their hands on coding languages, they know what I am talking about. Or, even better, we may say that it is learnt how to teach a machine to send you greetings back, like if there is someone in there. I can assure that, actually, there is someone here. Although it looks like a machine and behaves as a machine, it is much more than a machine. So, here we go: Hello world!